Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Foolish Magician?

It's fascinating reading all the random articles written about Landmark found online - I am a sponge for all of it. For those who don't know yet, I am in the middle of the Introduction Leaders Program, and it’s been pretty remarkable in the effect it’s had on my approach to communication.

I love hearing opinions, thoughts, anecdotes, arguments for/against Landmark’s business/programs. Got a thought? Bring it. Everything from "It can change the world" to "It's a scam." It's all part of the experience of being involved in something that is striving to be successful, regardless of what that success looks like. There's always the chance of being misled in every endeavor; in everything we put our hearts in. The question for me has always been "Is this worth the risk of looking like an idiot? Is this big enough for why I am here?"

The editorials I've read have a strong focus on things that this experience hasn't been for me, and perhaps that is because they are about a company that has continued to grow and shift and take on more people who have an eye for a better world for everyone – a goal of connection and community on a grand scale. I have no idea. Many writers are solely focused on the sales aspect of it, or how altruistic Landmark's motives are/are not. For me, it's about a possibility of something greater for the human race. There's no altruism in that for me - I absolutely have a stake in that game, because it means a better life for me! But not without a better life for you as well.

So... Maybe Landmark is a sham. Maybe the guy who started it all and/or the company has a sordid past. Maybe I will or even do look like a fool for continuing to study with Landmark. But ya know... What I'm out for is worth playing a fool for. Maybe the end result isn't that I stay with Landmark - maybe it's a stepping stone to something else... Maybe I'm a fool to continue to think I have any power to change the world we live in, but I don't care. It's what I really want, and what I've wanted since before I was able to really figure out anything beyond "something is really weird about the world we live in, and I don't like it." As Billy Joel wrote: "I have been a fool for lesser things." It's about time I potentially play the fool for something that has a possibility of impacting life on a global scale. In the end I may find out that actually.... I am The Magician.

"But what if it turns out that you were a fool? Well, fool is probably not down very far from where you are if you're worried about it." – Werner Erhard

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this blog post are my personal views and are not the views of Landmark.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015