2. I'm a bit of a polymath. My toes are dipped into a variety of areas including pretty much every artistic arena imaginable, a bunch of business-related endeavors, and varying degrees of MacGuyver-esque problem solving skills across a vast array of fields. Generally if something needs to be fixed, I'm the one to do it. If I don't know the answer, you can bet your ass I'll find it. For that reason I tend to take on a heavy load of work most of the time, and not spend nearly enough of my week relaxing, which is why I do yoga and meditation on a regular basis, because otherwise I think I might die.
3. I have the greatest best friends ever, and we are complete asses together. We will embarrass you, and yet you will be completely smitten with us. Learn it, live it, love it.
4. I don't give a shit about this whole "gamer girl vs girl gamer" debate. I'm a gamer. Period. I think you can figure out that I'm a chick on your own.
5. I have absolutely no issue asking for what I want. I will be bluntly honest with you. I don't bullshit, and I expect no bullshit back. If you're a manipulator, have an incredibly entitled or superior attitude, or are the type who leeches happiness from others, chances are I won't like you. No hard feelings - I just don't have time for that kind of energy in my world.
6. I will readily admit when I screw up or are being an jerk, and I love people who have the self-confidence to do the same.
7. I'm constantly on a path of development, and I recognize that within myself every single day. I love to experience things, and therefore curiosity is often my biggest influence when it comes to my sense of adventure. Often it causes drama I might have avoided, but in this life I figure the last thing I want is to be 80 years old and wishing I did all the things I ever had urges to do. Sure sometimes fear keeps you from doing inherently stupid things, but most of the time it also keeps you from doing truly remarkable things as well. Here's to a truly remarkable life full of stupidity! At least the fun kind, I hope.
8.... is my favorite number. Must have something to do with my obsession with infinity. I'm an Aquarian Dragon, and I'll be 36 in 6 days. My favorite color is deep teal - like the color of a stormy sea.
Nice to meet you.
Current Music: Bauhaus - She's In Parties